Thursday, September 29, 2005

The outcome

I know I've been using the word 'The ... ' for my blogs lately.
I guess there was some sort of a theme running through in the past few blogs.
Anyway, to all those people who care and are anxious about finding out the outcome of my problem regarding my owed salary, it has been finally resolved.
It was all thanks to the lawyer, who has now become my friend.
No, actually, it would be first to thank my other friend who introduced his lawyer friend to me!
I WILL be getting my pay, and I won't be filing any lawsuit against my company.
It wouldn't have done me any good anyway, if I had taken my company to court.
Which company would want to hire someone so aggressive???
(I know, I don't look the aggressive type, but I can be).

Out of this whole incident, I am now starting to be recommended to people involved in my line of work - by the lawyer friend!
Perhaps all this happended for a reason, which is, that there is something better has been lined up for me... :o)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The salsa

I know I have been sharing lots of work-related news.
So that thought it's only fair that I update my friends about my Salsa activities.
(Oh no, not Salsa again! - haha)
For the past few weeks, I've been attending an additional Salsa Body Movement class on a separate day.
It has been really fun, since we have been taught cool dance moves.
Not only are these moves usable in Salsa dancing, but in hip-hop dance as well.
But boy, are they difficult to learn.
The one last week is the hardest by far.
Taking big steps but yet having to be graceful is seemingly impossible so far.

Oh by the way, I have completed my Intermediate 2 class last week.
Due to foreseeable work timing change, I decided to repeat this module at a later time-slot, but on the same day (Mon).
I like my instructor's fussy and honest comments, so I'd rather repeat and be slower by one module, with my regular classmates surging ahead to Intermediate 3.
All this is not about competition anyway.
I much rather refine my moves and correct my mistakes earlier on, rather than accumulating mistakes till I get to the end of the entire course.
Some of my classmates are wanting to try out Intermediate 3, lesson 1 tomorrow.
They said if they can't cope, they will join me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The lawyer

I have now been to see a lawyer.
Being a friend of a friend, the almost 1 hour chat was free in the end.
For that, I am grateful!

The lawyer has said that I have every right to claim the outstanding salary due to me.
And that my company will be in serious trouble if they decided not to pay up.
All the things I spoke about in my previous blog tallied with that of the lawyer's.
I am of course relieved!

Nice thing is: I have now made a friend out of the lawyer.
And he has said that if there is a chance, he may get me some free-lancing work which is related to my qualifications sometime.
Isn't that great???

I am ready to face that blasted phone call.
And I'm determined to get my money back.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The job

I have been busy in the past few days.
Actually, I foresee myself continuing to be busy for the next week or so.
You see, I have been asking my various groups of friends to recommend someone who can provide me with some legal advice.
This is in preparation for my talk with my now ex-boss.

Why? You may ask.

Ah well, my ex-company has decided that they are not releasing my August and up to mid-September pay.
They did not inform me of that intent, at least not the fact that they weren't going to pay me for the month of August.
So, a few days after September month had started, I rang up the accountant to enquire about this.
She revealed that she had not received any reply from my company about releasing my August month pay; she had sent an email-reminder too.
I know - I am disappointed too, not to say amazed that such a thing can happen.
For some reason, it looks as if the Board of Directors have forgotten what a contract is.
Based on the terms of my contract, I was to expect a monthly pay-check as a full-time employee!

The thing is: when I resigned last month, my company slapped on a list of things I needed to do for them a day after.
And they said they would only pay me if my deliverables were up to THEIR standard.
I didn't think anything of it, other than in the time I was employed till the last day of contract, I'll do what I've been asked to do.
And of course, I did, making sure that I do not produce shoddy work.

I was also mentally prepared that on entering the business world, I may be subjected to ridiculous situations.
The last thing I imagined was that my company would stoop so low as to use the strategy of criticising my work just to get out of paying what's due to me.
And by that, I mean my travel expenses too, which they have also not released.
Bearing in mind I had worked up to 4 or 5 am in the final 2 weeks before my contract ended, just to produce substantial amount of work they had wanted, I am not impressed with these people.

Technically, whether the work is really up to standard or not, they should not be withholding my pay.
As long as my contract was not on project-by-project basis - in which case the deliverables would be the pre-requisite for payment - my company has already broken the terms stated on my contract.
Simple as that.

I will be meeting a lawyer in the morning to talk about what course of action I should take next.
Will keep you guys reading posted...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The interview

I have only had the time to breathe properly now.
Yesterday continued to be hectic, what with attending my 2nd round of interview and all.
Which, incidentally, became TWO rounds in a row.
The 2nd round with the HR personnel went well, and at the end, she had excused herself for 5 minutes to chat with my previous first interviewer.
But, she came back with the news that the big boss decided he wanted to meet me.
And apologised that I might not have been mentally prepared to do that.
I said I was fine (I actually was), and proceeded to chat with the man himself.
He was firing one tough question after another, and even he himself said he would be asking tough questions.
Some of them I answered well enough (I think), but others were questionable.
This is because some of the questions require time to think, like, how would you propose to train first-time managers if you were given a clean slate to begin with, taking into consideration the lack of resources?
In no particular order, I listed the various things I would include into the training.
And one a couple of occasions, he challenged some of the things I had said (albeit in a nice and polite way).
I can't remember what my response was, except that all this is my personal opinion, and anyway, the views may be subjective.

On reflection, although I handled the pressure of the impromptu interview well, I may not have answered his questions well enough.
But he did say he will sit down to chat with the two other interviewers and then get back to me.
And he said probably the HR will do the informing.

After sharing this experience with a couple of friends (one of whom had been working in there), they had said it's as good as saying I've got the job.
But I beg to differ.
Maybe it's because the most recent job I had left has taught me 2 things:

* whatever is being said verbally could be interpreted in several ways, and
* that unless it's written down in black and white, anything said may be as good as the words have never been uttered before.

So, we shall see.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

::: R.O.D. :::

Today is rather significant for me.
In fact, I should say the end of today is significant.
Oh, what the hell. :o)
It's my last official day of my work-contract.
While I'm still trying to finish up my big piece of work (amongst other little ones), I can't help but think that with my departure, there will be a handful of people who will miss me, albeit in different ways.
A few of these people I will still keep in touch with, while some others ... let's just say I won't really miss them.

There's one work associate in particular whom I can think of, who will miss someone (me) helping him out in his work that he should have been doing anyway.
Though in different companies, we have had the chance to work on projects together.
We have had different roles to play in these projects, except that I ended up working on his as well.
For instance, he does not have the habit of taking minutes of meetings.
I do, and so, for the same meetings that we attended so far, he would be asking for my notes.
This request, I had entertained a couple of times.
But as time went on, it became exceedingly regular.
And this is in spite of the fact that I had politely and repeatedly suggested that he should take his own notes during meetings.

I had then decided enough was enough.

On the next occasion that my notes were asked for, I said I only noted issues that my company had to address, which meant it was of no use to him.
On subsequent occasions, I said I would have to ask my boss for permission, since he was/is generally known to be quite sticky about such things.

The last straw came, regarding a huge chunk of data that this work associate and I had both received over a span of 2 months for a project.
While I had religiously and carefully read each digital file (this included opening tons of word documents and image files to read/view) that came in and sorted them out accordingly, he did nothing.
All this took quite easily up to a month for me to sort out into some sensible order!
And guess what my work associate said?
He said since I've already sorted them out, why don't I send him what I have.

He said it would save him time thinking up names for folders and opening up/reading all the data received so far (there were at least a hundred digital files!).

I calmly explained to him that the way I've sorted out the data, some folders would contain the same set of data.
And since my role for this project was to evaluate the data, repeating/overlapping of data in some folders would be inevitable.
I also mentioned that the folders/files were so huge that it would be impossible for me to send them all to him.

It would take him too long a time to download too.
I offered to help him by suggesting how he could sort out the data.
(I did it at a later time by emailing him my suggestions.)
That ended the conversation and future requests.

OK - will continue with more interesting stuff after today's been and gone.
Meanwhile, back to work for me! :o)

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I have been really busy.
Actually I still am.
And I will continue to be so until my last official day of my work contract.
Which happens to run out this weekend.
To those National Reservist (army) guys around my age or older, that'll be my "ROD" (Run Out Date).
And I literally can't wait to run.

As anticipated, things are not looking easy for me to get out of this job.
Without giving too much away, let's just say I'm determined not to be beaten.
Besides, my dream job came by over 2 weeks ago.
But I was so busy that I only managed to submit my resume early last week.
And within days, I was called up for the first round of interview.
I've since managed to clear that, and going for the second one this coming Monday.

The second round of the interview would have been held today if not for this current job!
(And in case anyone is interested, there are at least 3 rounds to clear.)
Sounds daunting I know, but who says a good job is easy to get???
Even if I clear the second round and manage go on to the (hopefully) last round, I could still potentially be 'kicked out' if I don't come across (to the most senior person interviewing me) that I'm suited to this job.

Warts or no warts.
Sorry - don't know why I am so gross.

Anyway, all this interview thing is motivating me to clear my current load of work.
Besides, I have no choice but to do them for submission by this weekend .
But I am still being positive about my seemingly sorry situation!
I will perhaps explain what I mean a bit better when I am no longer an employee of this company.

In the meantime, it's back to work for me...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Wonderful quotes

These are some quotes that I have 'stolen' from an email sent to me:

1) Smile, it increases your face value
2) You never fail until you stop trying
3) Tough time do not last, tough people do
4) Success is simply getting up more times than we fall
5) The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step
6) Every great achievement was once considered as impossible
7) A diamond is just a piece of coal that did well under pressure
8) If you want rainbow, you must first learn to put up with the rain
9) It is the altitude, not the aptitude that determines the latitude achieved
10) A mistake made is not a mistake unless you have not learnt anything from it

Sunday, September 11, 2005


That's the name of a place I went to last night
This was after a yummy Vietnamese dinner.
It's a posh drinking place which is littered with Art Nouveau objects - from its furniture right up to the painted ceilings!
It also reminds me of an opera house, with the excessive gold and brass that one can see.
Along with the opera-like box seats around the perimeter of the place.
But, that's not what caught me by surprise.
I've been there once before, but I was merely passing through and thought to try a proper visit another time.
Hence the visit last night.

Being our first proper visit, my friend and I were greeted by a lady who wore a glittery-silver fairy outfit.
Yes, you read it right - a FAIRY outfit.
And no, it's not Christmas, I know.
More of why that costume later.

We were shown to our seats by the Fairy-lady.
We picked out a bottle of wine.
She then informed us - being our first time - that she would be 'flying' to get our wine.
That statement didn't register on either my friend's or my mind.
And we thought she was merely playing along with her themed outfit.

We were wrong.
After a few minutes, I heard some machinery working, and I turned to that direction.
In fact, everyone else there did.
I saw our Fairy being lifted up by 2 cables (one on each side of her), and if we ignored the cables, it did look as if she was flying!

WHAT a sight.
It was only then that I noticed that she was 'flying' towards a massive wine-chiller.
And that wine-chiller was actually stretching from the roof of the bar-counter at the bottom and it extended all the way to the top of the already-high ceiling!
It was OUR wine she was getting.
I will go there armed with a camera the next time.
It's gotta be seen to be believed!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Job hunting

I have just returned from a job interview.
This was at a major bank.
With my R&D skills, many friends who read this blog will go "what"?!?!
And probably "what are you doing having a job interview at a bank"?!

Well, I applied for a IT-based job.
The kind that people consult you about IT-training matters.
The interviewer was nice and engaging.
I didn't feel as if it was an interview at all!
I guess because he is an academic like me, so there were common grounds.
In fact, he has already told me at the end of the interview that he will be asking me back for a second interview (there are 3 in total) next week.
Isn't that wonderful? :o)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

All awaiting/This evening

Ever since I told a small number of friends about the makeover session I had last Saturday, I've been asked about the photos since then.
And I got asked again tonight, by a friend who thought I had already got the photos on the night of the selection, which was merely for subsequent printing.
I'm amused by the fuss and excitement.
To be honest, I'm not even as excited as my friends at getting the photos!

Anyway, I made time for my friend earlier this evening.
This was despite the fact that I have a 8,000-word report that I have to deliver for early next week.
But it was worth the sacrifice of my time, as I really enjoyed the short but engaging conversation I had with my friend.
We have promised that we won't wait too long to catch up on news the next time.
If not, it will be another few months before we do!
Such is life!

I even have a friend who's so busy now that all he does is to read my blogs to keep himself updated about my life nowadays.
And embarrassingly, I'm doing likewise with his.
Seems like he's doing well though, stress or no stress.
At least he has taken a few bold steps to do multiple things.
Very exciting times ahead, I must say!
In any case, I'm very happy for him.
I only hope now that we are able to find time to catch up in person soon.
In fact, this non-meeting also applies to my many other friends whom I haven't been in touch with, in ages!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Flip-chart stand joke

I came across an email circulated around the university department which I was attached to for my last study-stint.
I cracked up when I read it.
It was in response to another email from someone asking if anyone had seen any flip-chart stands lurking around the department, as they all seemed to have disappeared.
The response from that academic colleague was as follows ...

"My book of Native Office Equipment says:

"Flip Chart Stands belong to the Tripod family and hence are very slow-moving, particularly on stair cases. They are gregarious but also very shy. Consequently you might find a whole tangle of tripods hiding in a cupboard or skip.They can sometimes be tempted out by the scent of a whiteboard pen, but be warned. If they are cornered, they are quite likely to trip you up with one of their prehensile legs, or to crush you by collapsing on top of you.

Do not attempt to approach them during the mating season as they become quite unstable when trying to get their leg(s) over.""

Another response to it following that was:

"I think you are mistaken, flip chart stands belong to the biped family, they are just very well endowed."

Academics in that department are generally witty and jovial, so in the time I was there, I've always enjoyed reading email-responses like that! :o)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Photo selection

I went over to my friend's studio to look at the pictures after my Salsa class last night.
He and his business partner were nuts - there were 243 shots that I had to go through!
I had to select about 4 to 5 per change of clothing, and there were essentially 4 changes.
Looking at so many and having to pick them to be printed and done up into an album for me, it was tiring on my eyes.
Not to mention that I ended up with a headache.
I guess I was not used to poring through so many pictures of myself.
Good news - which means I am not so vain!

The pictures were good, I must say.
I didn't know I laughed so much.
I guess I DID have some fun posing in front of the camera.
What was amazing was the photos were looking more like the real me than the ones I took in 1999.
The make-up artist managed to keep my make-up to a minimum, which resulted in a more natural-looking me.
Coupled with my friend and his business partner's superb skills, I look very natural and relaxed in many of the pictures.
May consider posting one on here when I get the digital version (in a CD-ROM) of the pictures too.
And those also free to keep. :o)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hats off to the fashion-related industry people

I have gone and done another studio makeover.
This would be my second one since 1999.
This time around, it was different.
For one thing, I lugged a suitcase-load of my own clothes.
(BTW, I had to inform my parents ahead of time, in case they thought I was going to elope.)
For another, this was done because a professional photographer friend has asked me to do so for years.

I finally acceded to his request only now, partly because I wanted to have some nice passport photos taken.
As far as I could remember, the last time I took a passport photo was in 1999 or earlier!
And I had ended up allowing my friend permission to make use of my makeover photos as part of his sample collection only if they turn out nice.

I have not really viewed the photos yet.
I will do it at some point.
Considering the shoot took up all of yesterday, I was exhausted by dinnertime.
I was persuaded to take a few more, but I had a dinner appointment that I had to postpone for more than an hour later already!
So, I kindly thanked my friend and his business partner for their hard work, and left after saying I really couldn't stay any longer.
Of course I had to rush through the process of scrubbing my face clean.
I felt so much better after that scrub, of course!

It was a really tiring thing to do - this photo shoot thing.
And I really take my hat off to all the fashion photographers and models!
Some of the poses I had to adopt were really straining on my body.
If one isn't flexible, I can imagine how much aches and pains one has to suffer post-shoot!
My friend and his business partner also worked hard.
They had to carry the heavy camera around, instruct me to do specific poses, position themselves for the various shots, adjust the lighting constantly, and also to concentrate on getting the shots right somehow.
I think they worked harder than me!

Apart from being too short, I must say I am definitely not cut out for this modelling thing even if I had the height and size for it.
The experience was fun whilst it lasted , but it was a novelty thing.
No way can I handle this as a professional job.
For instance, to try and smile happily when you are already feeling quite tired is not my cup of tea!

I still prefer to be myself. :o)

Friday, September 02, 2005


I treated a couple of friends to dinner earlier this evening.
This was a much-postponed treat for having found a 'new' job - the one that I've just quitted from!
It then became a belated birthday treat, which they missed out on when I had a gathering on my birthday last month.
Isn't it hilarious? :o)

Anyway, I was given a belated birthday pressie - a humourous book that I'll be reading after this, in bed.
After my dinner treat, I was brought to a cafe to share a cake and a hot chocolate drink with my friends.
We managed to pick up from where we left off, as if we've been chatting to one another regularly (which we have not)!
Time flew by, and before we knew it, it was time to head home.
Although we promised that we would meet up again sometime soon, I know it won't be easy with our busy schedules.
But at least the thought will be there to stay till we finally meet up again...