A miss or amiss?
Was I missed in the past week?
Well, miss me no more, people - I am now back from Hong Kong! :o)
I had a bit of a scare that I wasn't going to make the business trip, but was glad the sufficient rest helped me recover in no time.
I left for Hong Kong last Sunday morning.
Arrived at noon but didn't get to the hotel till shortly after 2 pm - just nice timing to check in.
After a short rest and some unpacking, I bravely took the hotel's free shuttle bus and got off at the nearest town to do some light shopping for immediate family members.
I only took 1.5 hours and managed to get everything for everyone, and then hopped onto the free shuttle bus again (doing its hourly rounds and in a loop) to get back to the hotel.
By the end of the day, I was so exhausted that I went to bed quite early.
Anyway, it was a great shopping experience, as within the short 1.5 hours, I made some friends out of the street stall-holders.
One even said to visit her again the next time I visit Hong Kong, not to buy anything from her, but to go for a cup of tea or coffee! :o)
Monday and the first half of Tue were all business-related.
The only other free time I had was on Monday evening.
That, I spent with my other colleagues which also included my boss.
I was the only female around, so I was well taken care of.
The men in my midst were witty and fun to hang out with, made even more enjoyable when it's outside of work!
Five of us ended up having dinner together, after which we went out and about window-shopping.
I was the only one who changed out of my work attire, and into jeans and t-shirt.
The men left their executive shirts on, and most of them had their sleeves rolled up mid-way.
It was an amusing sight, since I was dressed so casual, and were in the company of visibly high-profile people!
We ended up in a shop that sold ladies and mens-wear.
One of the men shopped for a suit, as it was a lot cheaper in Hong Kong.
I left the 3 other men (including my boss) standing around chatting amongst themselves.
I was so impressed that they were so patient to wait around, only to be told by my boss much later that it was purely because he was enjoying the air-conditioned, cool temperature in the shop that made him happily stay for longer!
Afterwards, we had dessert at a nice dessert place, and it was another enjoyable time.
The business trip was shortened for some on Tue, especially for 3 of the 7 colleagues and I (this includes my boss again) had to check out of the hotel in order to get to the airport in time to catch our plane home.
It was another fun journey, as the 4 of us had dinner at the airport, and had interesting conversations.
All the playful 'ribbing' the my boss and my 2 other colleagues had was amusing, to say the least!
I guess there must be synergy amongst a group of people before such a comfortable level of communication could take place.
And I have witnessed that, and am also glad I was able to join in surprisingly well.
Given another chance to travel as a group like this, I would most certainly do it again!
Oh, and I am also looking forward to be back at playing squash come Tue. :o)
tmrw (tue) squash 645 pm as usual. cya!
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