Thursday, December 29, 2005

2006 is near...

Another couple of days, and 2006 will arrive.
This last month has been full of surprising news - good and bad.
The bad news includes learning about a good friend's troubled marriage, and a couple of others who are facing a job crisis, etc.
Good news is me getting (and starting on) a new job come 9th January, at a place that I think will be great.
The salary expectation is much lower and not what I am supposed to be getting, but it is still a little higher than in my last job.
So I won't complain.
For me, job satisfaction is more important than anything else (although money matters a wee bit too).
Other good news also includes knowing that a gal pal could be getting married soon - after yours truly have paired her up with a nice gentleman nearly 2.5 years ago!
Not to mention many lovely new friendships that I have formed in the last year or so, upon my return home from the UK.

Lots of stuff to reflect on and think about in the past year.
I think life has been more eventful in the past year since I've been home.
More so than while I was in the UK.
It's difficult to say which life I prefer - in the UK or being back on home soil.
Each has it's own plus!
But, if placed in a certain context, of course I prefer having this current life right now.
Then again, it's my attempt to look ahead into the future.
Having a wonderful life of close friends and family and that special someone (not to mention a new job that I could potentially be happy at) beats all other material wealth that I could possess!
Not being a materialistic person, it helps to feel easily contented at my end.
Quality of life is more important to me nowadays.

I have not been having an idle time while my sweet someone is away (another 4 weeks to go).
And I'm happy to say that I have been able to make full use of my time, and wisely too.
In fact, I realised that I could actually not be holding down a job but will still be kept busy everyday!
It's nice to know, isn't it? ;o)

Monday, December 26, 2005


I had a quiet Christmas.
But it was a meaningful weekend for me.
I got 3 parcels - all were from people who are dear to me.
They consisted of a framed pencil sketch of me from a previous photo (exceedingly well done and much appreciated!), a box of candles in the shape of a snowman (really cute!), and a box of lovely dried flowers plus a number of cosmetic items (heavenly!).
I sent out lots of text messages on my mobile phone to friends near and far.
I got most of their replies and Christmas wishes too, which was great!
Not to mention the lovely Christmas cards from other friends through the post.
Christmas is a time for reflection.
And I have done a fair bit of that...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year

I am blessed with many friends.
This is despite the fact that I had been away from home soil for 4 years previously.
While many have been those whom I've got to know before I headed off to the UK, there had been new friendships that came quickly when I returned just a year ago.
I received a surprise Christmas e-greeting from someone whom I had work dealings with on my last job, but had not really kept in touch with since I left it.
It's nice to know that someone genuinely values me as a person, and whatever work-related issues that I had with my last company, this did not affect her opinion of me.

Life is good to me so far, and I must thank my lucky stars.
I guess over the past year, continuing to keep a positive and happy mind during my "down" times has helped too.
Let's hope that I can continue to be this way, as there had been rather trying times that almost "broke" me.

Anyway, I would like to wish all my friends reading this blog a HAPPY CHRISTMAS, and a MERRY 2006!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Post-interview news

It has been a really hectic 2 days since my 2nd interview call-up.
It was an ok one this time, although I wouldn't say it was as good as the first one.
It felt like another doctoral defence for my thesis, as not only did I have to showcase some technology stuff, but I also had to defend my position as to why I couldn't show more stuff (needless to say, that means some of the interviewers were disappointed).

I was questioned why I didn't think about taking a risk to show more of my work.
I spoke about the endless Non-Disclosure Agreements that I had signed when I was working for the previous companies in the past year or so.
I also mentioned that while I would like this dream-job, I would still not go against my own principle of respecting the previous companies' trading secrets just for my own selfish gains.
I figured that by sticking to my guns about my own beliefs and what I stand for, I have a clear conscience whether I get the job or not.

While seeing me out of the office area, the HR personnel mentioned that I appeared to have strong views.
I said that I don't see a job as merely a job, and that I would like to enjoy what I do and in return, I too would like the hiring company to be happy to have me onboard too. :o)
In fact, I mentioned about another company that I had been asked to be interviewed.
I mentioned that while the job scope and responsibilities were similar to this one, I was disappointed that that organisation cared more about making money above everything else.
I said the main reason why I applied for this current position was the fact that this organisation cares more about whether their people learn, and not so commercially inclined.

I was then told that I would be hearing the outcome of the interview in 2 weeks, and perhaps sooner.
They called back the next day.
And they have asked me back next week to do a couple of things:
- to chat to the other potential new colleague, as he will be explaining what is required in the job; and
- to chat to me about salary expectations following that.
I asked if the chat with the potential new colleague was an interview.
The reply was "no".
I guess I have more or less got the job, subject to the salary negotiation! :o)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Another crazy week

I felt much better on Sunday.
So I decided to gather some company (in the form of my mother and sister-in-law) to go shopping with me.
I just wanted to get out for some fresh air, and to get a shirt (or two) for my sweet someone.
I enjoyed the day-out thoroughly, as the three of us hung out at a huge shopping mall after lunchtime, and didn't get home till after 8 pm!
I had gone there a couple of weeks before, and spotted this nice shirt in the men's department while I was window shopping.
But I wasn't in a shopping mood, so I didn't get it.
Since this mall is situated in the suburbs and not a place that I frequent, I thought I should be able to get the same shirt in town, particularly when there should be more variety too.
I was wrong.
Hence the decision to go back to the mall.
I was happy that I finally got my sweet someone not just that shirt, but another nice one too!

I had my physiotherapy for my back come Monday.
It felt particularly sore come Tuesday, but it was expected.
I still went to my dance class that evening, because if I miss it, the next one won't happen till 10 Jan next year!
I had great fun, as we gals were taught almost an entire "hot" routine! :o)

I then spent the entire day on Wednesday sorting out my thesis and burning it onto a CD-Rom in preparation for my next interview call-up.
It took all day, as the format and pages changed when I combined all my thesis chapters into one master-document!
I also had been busy wrapping up Christams presents and packing them into boxes for my friends and surrogate family overseas in the first few days of the week.

On Thursday, I made a special trip to the post office, to post the Christmas parcels and in my carelessness, I forgot the address for the most important package to send - the CD-Rom that contained my thesis!
Fortunately, a family friend dropped by, and he was heading to another post-office branch later that afternoon.
So he did me a big favour by posting it for me.
I finally made the visit to see the Catholic Brother on Friday.
He looked well - not like someone who's in his 70s!
I didn't get home till almost 11 pm.
That's because I took the opportunity to hang out with my ex-colleague who went with me to visit the Catholic Brother too.
Over the years since we've known each other, we continue to have so much to talk about, which amazes the both of us!
I guess it's perhaps we started our careers at the same time and at same place, and went through those years working in the same department - with no disagreements, ever.
In fact, the department was a great team to work with, which definitely helped!

Anyway, I got home in time to have a voice chat with my sweet someone.
He was due to fly out to New York (from Manila) earlier today, and because of the time difference in New York, we made the most of the night before he flew.
It was only 40 minutes of chatting, but I am already happy.
It was a quality chat, and that's more important than having nothing to say and wasting time away.
I'm also happy that the relationship is growing from strength to strength, and although effort has been made on both sides to keep in touch, it continues to feel delightfully effortless! :o)

I spent most of today sorting out interview-related stuff for this coming Wednesday.
That's when the second call-up to the interview is.
Tomorrow, I'll be finalising what I need to include for the interview.
If I have to, I shall be creating something new to showcase to the interview panel what I can do.
I can't let my previous course supervisor down, as she has written a highly flattering reference letter for this job application!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Crazy week

There has been a flurry of activities for me this past week.
First, it was an email from a personal friend, about a golden, off-shore investment opportunity.
This started off a chain of emails to and from this friend all week, along with emails to another.

This other friend has quite a stronghold of knowledge about this particular investment, as he is residing in that ("off-shore") country.
All doubts have been cleared now, after I've taken onboard both persons' advice and comments.
Needless to say, I feel blessed that I'm able to gain help when it's needed! :o)

Now, about my interview.
It was a strange but enjoyable experience.
I informed the interviewers that I was "under the weather", but I made a conscious effort not to use that as an excuse for a poor performance.
And because of that conscious effort, the main interviewer ("the big boss") repeatedly asked - if I was really ill at all!
It was meant to be a compliment, and helped me to be more relaxed throughout the interview.
Naturally, I came away feeling that the interview had gone reasonably well.
I was even told that I should be expecting a second call-up possibly a week later!

The next day, I went for a spa appointment that I had booked for myself.
It was another torture session for me, as I was sweating pots in the end!
But it felt pretty good.
Alas, the feeling didn't last.

I was supposed to visit a Catholic Brother who was an ex-colleague of mine from a previous job with another ex-colleague.
But when I woke up on Friday morning, I only managed to make it as far as the bathroom before I started to feel my body breaking out in cold sweat, and I started to yawn for no reason, and could not see clearly anything clearly.
I blinked a few times, looked at myself at the bathroom mirror and saw a ghostly pale face with even paler lips staring back at me.
That didn't help things, and I think the shock of that vision frightened me.
Not daring to leave the bathroom in case I tripped and fell, I called out to the domestic help from the bathroom, asking her to go get my mother.
I was then helped back to bed, and I made a feeble call to my friend to cancel the visit.
An appointment at my family doctor's clinic nearby was made for the afternoon, and I slept.
When I woke up, I felt much better, so I cancelled the appointment.

My parents and I agreed that I was probably anaemic, and all I needed was plenty of rest.
And rest, I did.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Darn chills

I am a little peeved at myself.
Peeved, because I have caught a chill again for no apparent reason!
It started on Thursday, and I was trying to shake it off as best as I could.
I even went for my first, new dance class on Friday.
However, on getting back, I knew I was going to get another bout of flu.
The sore throat started, followed by the coughing.

I am putting it down to another round of insomnia I am getting again.
I don't know why, but perhaps, it's because my body is weak - an explanation offered by my dad.
He said that when my body is weak, the normal sleep mode will be affected.
I am guessing that it's also because I am thinking about my pending interview for a job for this coming Wednesday.
I got the call about the interview on Friday.
I am excited, of course, but I'm a little worried that I may not get well enough to go for the interview.
That could be affecting my sleeplessness especially in the last couple of nights too...

Friday, December 02, 2005


I just got back from my dance class.
To say it's exotic, perhaps it should be re-named as "erotic".
I say that because the moves - when executed smoothly - can definitely entice and tempt...

But the initial moves taught in the first lesson are already not easy.
A simple - albeit a little seductive walk (cat-like, might I add) - involves quite a few basic moves that needed to be broken down.
LOTS of practice needed, of course!

As with Salsa, I am only attending the courses to satisfy my curiosity and interest.
I am quite happy not dancing Salsa socially.
Just attending the classes is already enough for me.
I am not one of those who would like to become so good that I could perform.
My objective is to enjoy the learning experience and to have fun!

Another week ends

I've been really busy in the past week.
It has been mainly catching up with a friend here and another there.
Was out on Wednesday helping a girlfriend pick out a shirt for her boyfriend.
On Thursday, I caught up with a friend over high-tea at a posh hotel.
It was meant to be my treat but it ended up as his!
He is a friend whom I've known for a number of years.
We meet up occasionally, but we have kept in more regular touch over the phone.
This particular meeting was on a part-social, part-business basis.
In fact, after meeting me, my friend had to dash off to the airport to catch a flight out to Indonesia!

Anyway, my friend noticed I have lost quite a bit of weight, and yet said that it wasn't just that.
He commented that there is something else that he couldn't quite pin-point.
He then realised that I looked more relaxed, and that there was a radiant glow.
After some guessing on his part, I took my time to admit to a correct guess - that I am seeing someone.
That admission was followed by a torrent of questions from my friend - as expected!
Then he started to piece all the information together with respect to our phone conversations in the past few months when we touched base, as I didn't mention anything whatsoever.
He said he was happy for me, and that perhaps my sweetie is finally "the one".
Hence his offer of the treat to the high-tea, as a celebration for me - how sweet!

When we parted at the end of the meeting, my friend gave me a really affectionate (big!) hug and cheek-to-cheek kiss (ang-moh style).
Having started as 2 friends hanging out with each other and enjoying each other's company (we had lots of laughs over the years) when we first got to know each other, I think I sensed something amiss in my friend.
And that was from the hug and kiss we exchanged.
Was it disappointment or emotional turmoil (or was it suddenly not willing to part) that I felt from my friend?
Only he knows, but in any case, I'm not going to pursue that...


On impulse, I rang my sweet someone long-distance when I got home.
It was late (11+ pm) after spending the evening at my Godma's fashion store, but my sweetie did mention the night before - when we chatted - that it was ok to ring him whenever I felt like doing it.
And at whatever time - even if he were asleep!
He sounded very happy to get my call.
I guess that's because it was my first call to him since he left for his work trip on 17 November (and he had called me numerous times previously).
At the point when I called, my sweetie was actually still working.
He needn't have to tell me that, as I could hear people doing testing of equipment, etc.

Interestingly, my sweetie told me a local lady (a pretty one at that, apparently) tried to hit on him earlier in the day.
I am not surprised, cuz my sweetie has drop-dead gorgeous, killer-deep dimples when he smiles.
The kind that will melt any gal's heart.
I laughed and teased him, asking why he didn't take up her offer.
He said cuz he's got me! :o)
And he said that was actually the first thing he said to this lady when she asked if he was attached.
So I asked how he turned her down gently in the end.
He said he gave the excuse that he wouldn't have any time to spare, since he would be running around too much overseeing endless projects and constantly on the move (taking internal flights from one place to another).
Which is true, cuz I'm experiencing it myself!

I am not worried about my sweetie "veering off course".
Our relationship has not come easy for either of us, and being the initial keener party on his part, I have great faith that my sweetie will not throw away what we have just started.
(If he did, then I would know that he's not the one for me after all - simple as that!)
I mentioned on my phonecall to him that I am very comfortable we have mutual trust and understanding between us, and that I have not felt any anxiety or insecurity with him being away.
He said at our age, all it takes is just telling each other that the relationship isn't working - if that happens - and that any silly suspicion is highly unnecessary.
I absolutely agree!
We think so alike that till now, it continues to amaze me.
Maybe we are both born in the same year and are of the same age, so that explains our similarity in thinking?
Or perhaps it's because we both have gone through lots of hard "knocks" in our past relationships?
Whatever the reason, I can't express in words how contented and happy I am right now.
I can only thank my lucky stars that I have been given the chance to be THIS happy!