Wonderful quotes
These are some quotes that I have 'stolen' from an email sent to me:
1) Smile, it increases your face value
2) You never fail until you stop trying
3) Tough time do not last, tough people do
4) Success is simply getting up more times than we fall
5) The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step
6) Every great achievement was once considered as impossible
7) A diamond is just a piece of coal that did well under pressure
8) If you want rainbow, you must first learn to put up with the rain
9) It is the altitude, not the aptitude that determines the latitude achieved
10) A mistake made is not a mistake unless you have not learnt anything from it
Excellent quotes love each one of them
thank you for sharing it
This is gay
that was nice.....helped me a lot!
keep it up!
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