Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hats off to the fashion-related industry people

I have gone and done another studio makeover.
This would be my second one since 1999.
This time around, it was different.
For one thing, I lugged a suitcase-load of my own clothes.
(BTW, I had to inform my parents ahead of time, in case they thought I was going to elope.)
For another, this was done because a professional photographer friend has asked me to do so for years.

I finally acceded to his request only now, partly because I wanted to have some nice passport photos taken.
As far as I could remember, the last time I took a passport photo was in 1999 or earlier!
And I had ended up allowing my friend permission to make use of my makeover photos as part of his sample collection only if they turn out nice.

I have not really viewed the photos yet.
I will do it at some point.
Considering the shoot took up all of yesterday, I was exhausted by dinnertime.
I was persuaded to take a few more, but I had a dinner appointment that I had to postpone for more than an hour later already!
So, I kindly thanked my friend and his business partner for their hard work, and left after saying I really couldn't stay any longer.
Of course I had to rush through the process of scrubbing my face clean.
I felt so much better after that scrub, of course!

It was a really tiring thing to do - this photo shoot thing.
And I really take my hat off to all the fashion photographers and models!
Some of the poses I had to adopt were really straining on my body.
If one isn't flexible, I can imagine how much aches and pains one has to suffer post-shoot!
My friend and his business partner also worked hard.
They had to carry the heavy camera around, instruct me to do specific poses, position themselves for the various shots, adjust the lighting constantly, and also to concentrate on getting the shots right somehow.
I think they worked harder than me!

Apart from being too short, I must say I am definitely not cut out for this modelling thing even if I had the height and size for it.
The experience was fun whilst it lasted , but it was a novelty thing.
No way can I handle this as a professional job.
For instance, to try and smile happily when you are already feeling quite tired is not my cup of tea!

I still prefer to be myself. :o)


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