I am back from the dinner with my ex-boyfriend.
Amazing that after so many years, it was still so easy for our conversation to flow.
So much so that I realised we were seated at 6:30 pm at the Japanese restaurant (my visit first time) and didn't leave till nearly 10 pm (at my suggestion).
There was so much to catch up on, which no amout of texting that we have exchanged on our mobile phones over the last few years could ever achieve!
If we hadn't bumped into each other (or rather, if he hadn't waved hello right in front of me) last Thursday, this dinner might not have happened!
This ex of mine has always been the perfect gentleman, and earlier at dinner, he was still the ever-charming guy. He remembered to be attentive, and served me my food. We were comfortable on sharing a variety of foods, and even took pictures of our yummy desserts using our mobile phones!Interestingly, they both came in mini-cages, and had a tiny origami (paper-folded) bird each on the side of the plate. We had intended to take those with us, but we forgot about that when our table was cleared! Well, we were so engrossed in our conversation that we hadn't noticed that those birds were cleared away too. :o(
[And I only remembered when we were at the bookstore later (please read on for this).]

This was the 'Tofu Cheesecake' (a must-try!) that my ex-boyfriend recommended to me. It was a yummy one - just the right amout of sweetness without it being too sweet in the first place.

The one here was his - 'Green Tea Bavarian Cream'.
Basically, it was ground green tea mixed into a block of something, topped with red bean sauce and Bavarian cream (whatever that was).
Anyway, seeing my ex and being able to communicate with him properly again today - after all this time - was cool.
I was able to relax and be myself, while I enjoyed the dinner and his company.
I think we both enjoyed each other's company.
So much so that we decided to go browse at books at a bookstore nearby, after dinner!
From the dinner, we were given a promotional leaflet that says there's a 1-for-1 deal for lunch and dinner going on next month at another venue.
We will be trying out the restaurant's other venue (which I had been before), if my ex can make the time.
His work hours are crazy, and being in that field previously myself, I fully understand his difficulty.
All in all, the catching up was great.
After he got home, he even beat me to texting on the mobile phone.
That's rather surprising, as I tend to be the one who usually text people to thank them for their company!
I am happy.
I had a good evening out. :o)