The NEW, the INTERESTING, and the UGLY

I would like to welcome a new blogger-friend to this blog - welcome, See Fei!
This is his profile pic on his website -->
Isn't it a pretty pic???
I never knew that this little island could have SUCH a beautiful night scene.
Shows you how much I am missing...sigh.
Today had been an interesting day.
I had to do Saturday duty, so had to report to work as usual.
Except that work-hours were from 9 am to 1 pm.
The day started with my colleague ordering McDonald breakfast for both of us.
So we had a breakfast meeting, catching up on work matters and office gossip.
Well, not really office gossip but things that concerned our work. :o)
It lasted an hour.
Time flies when you are have serious 'fun'!
It is the school holidays now.
Therefore I found myself surrounded by people everywhere when I decided to meet up with a friend for afternoon coffee in town, after work.
Not a fan of crowds and crowded places, I did pretty well coming away with a top that cost half the original price.
I had admired it previously, and thought it was too expensive then.
So it was a delight when it went for half price today!
And I realised that I have lost quite a bit of weight - lagi (i.e. even) more delightful! :o)
and The UGLY
By the way, did I mention about my UGLY cold sore on the left side of my mouth???
Yup, I am having one of those humongous ones, and boy, not is it just UGLY, but it was painful for a few days too.
So I think I ought to have a pat on the back the fact that I still went to work with the UGLY cold sore for all the world to see, and braved meeting up with a friend in the last week.
Any encouraging words out there???
*bowing* tankQ tankQ for the intro.
since u r in jurong...must look out for a office lady with swollen cheek in my office building vicinity when mon come hahaha!!
See Fei
You are welcome! Always great to have a new friend. Interesting how FF has started this friendship going, eh? :o)
ask you to go for cold sore cream u bot tia now halfway healed already...
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