I've been really busy in the past week.
It has been mainly catching up with a friend here and another there.
Was out on Wednesday helping a girlfriend pick out a shirt for her boyfriend.
On Thursday, I caught up with a friend over high-tea at a posh hotel.
It was meant to be my treat but it ended up as his!
He is a friend whom I've known for a number of years.
We meet up occasionally, but we have kept in more regular touch over the phone.
This particular meeting was on a part-social, part-business basis.
In fact, after meeting me, my friend had to dash off to the airport to catch a flight out to Indonesia!
Anyway, my friend noticed I have lost quite a bit of weight, and yet said that it wasn't just that.
He commented that there is something else that he couldn't quite pin-point.
He then realised that I looked more relaxed, and that there was a radiant glow.
After some guessing on his part, I took my time to admit to a correct guess - that I am seeing someone.
That admission was followed by a torrent of questions from my friend - as expected!
Then he started to piece all the information together with respect to our phone conversations in the past few months when we touched base, as I didn't mention anything whatsoever.
He said he was happy for me, and that perhaps my sweetie is finally "the one".
Hence his offer of the treat to the high-tea, as a celebration for me - how sweet!
When we parted at the end of the meeting, my friend gave me a really affectionate (big!) hug and cheek-to-cheek kiss (ang-moh style).
Having started as 2 friends hanging out with each other and enjoying each other's company (we had lots of laughs over the years) when we first got to know each other, I think I sensed something amiss in my friend.
And that was from the hug and kiss we exchanged.
Was it disappointment or emotional turmoil (or was it suddenly not willing to part) that I felt from my friend?
Only he knows, but in any case, I'm not going to pursue that...
On impulse, I rang my sweet someone long-distance when I got home.
It was late (11+ pm) after spending the evening at my Godma's fashion store, but my sweetie did mention the night before - when we chatted - that it was ok to ring him whenever I felt like doing it.
And at whatever time - even if he were asleep!
He sounded very happy to get my call.
I guess that's because it was my first call to him since he left for his work trip on 17 November (and he had called me numerous times previously).
At the point when I called, my sweetie was actually still working.
He needn't have to tell me that, as I could hear people doing testing of equipment, etc.
Interestingly, my sweetie told me a local lady (a pretty one at that, apparently) tried to hit on him earlier in the day.
I am not surprised, cuz my sweetie has drop-dead gorgeous, killer-deep dimples when he smiles.
The kind that will melt any gal's heart.
I laughed and teased him, asking why he didn't take up her offer.
He said cuz he's got me! :o)
And he said that was actually the first thing he said to this lady when she asked if he was attached.
So I asked how he turned her down gently in the end.
He said he gave the excuse that he wouldn't have any time to spare, since he would be running around too much overseeing endless projects and constantly on the move (taking internal flights from one place to another).
Which is true, cuz I'm experiencing it myself!
I am not worried about my sweetie "veering off course".
Our relationship has not come easy for either of us, and being the initial keener party on his part, I have great faith that my sweetie will not throw away what we have just started.
(If he did, then I would know that he's not the one for me after all - simple as that!)
I mentioned on my phonecall to him that I am very comfortable we have mutual trust and understanding between us, and that I have not felt any anxiety or insecurity with him being away.
He said at our age, all it takes is just telling each other that the relationship isn't working - if that happens - and that any silly suspicion is highly unnecessary.
I absolutely agree!
We think so alike that till now, it continues to amaze me.
Maybe we are both born in the same year and are of the same age, so that explains our similarity in thinking?
Or perhaps it's because we both have gone through lots of hard "knocks" in our past relationships?
Whatever the reason, I can't express in words how contented and happy I am right now.
I can only thank my lucky stars that I have been given the chance to be THIS happy!