One-plus month later...part i
I am back.

I feel bad that I have neglected the blogging in the last few weeks.
A few concerned friends have written personal emails to me, or dropped me short notes, to ask if I am ok.
Well, I shall reveal all from here on and in parts, as many things have happened/are happening.
For this part i (the Shanghai trip):
The last time I blogged, I said I was about to head off to Shanghai for my holiday.
Well, I've dunnit.
Spent 4 days and 3 nights there (mainly free-and-easy), and the deepest impression I had was there was LOTS of walking involved.
And all that walking was to do with one thing - SHOPPING. Well, my sister-in-law is a shopaholic, and being the only people (my mother, my sister-in-law and me) which made up the tour "group", the tour guide left it to us to decide what we planned to do.
Since my sister-in-law organised the trip, I left it to her to decide what she wanted to do.
Hence the seemingly endless shopping we ended up doing.
The sights we saw weren't many; most of those were viewed from the tour van, which I ironically enjoyed!
We went to the Temple of the Jade Buddha, The Bund, Xiangyang Market, and ascended the famous Oriental Pearl Tower (see picture above and below).
But my most favourite parts of the trip were to be able to view the seemingly endless architecturally and artisitcally challenging high-rise buildings that seemed impossible to build! Anyway, all the pictures I took were through the use of my new mobilephone.
Here are some more...

Here is another shot of the Pearl Tower.
The sun was so bright (it was 34 degrees celsius that day) that I couldn't even see what I was taking from the screen!
So I simply snapped this picture pointing my mobilephone vaguely in the direction of the Peal Tower.
Not bad, eh? :o)
This next picture was taken from Nanjing Road, the Orchard Road equivalent. The neon lights were amazing!

For instance, the neon lights of this building changed from "HJ" (didn't know what it means), to "你好" (meaning "how are you") - it was really AWESOME!
More pics to follow in part ii, folks! :o)