Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Friends from afar

I have had two of my friends in the UK respond to my emails after I wrote to them over the last weekend.
One is from a ex-coursemate of mine admitted in the same year as me, and who was in the same research institute as I was.
Good news is that she will be attending the same graduation ceremony as I am.
That means I will be able to catch up with her before we all disappear altogether after the ceremony ... into different continents. (Ha.)

The other is from my ex-uni mate from Honours days (whom I shared a student-flat with, along with 2 other students).
He was telling me that he has just celebrated his 10th anniversary of marriage with his wife(another ex-uni mate of mine) in April.
And that his daughter will be starting school in September.
Time indeed flies.


Anyway, this male ex-uni mate of mine has done (god-knows) how many marathons/major runs all over the UK now.
And although he is of quite a few years older than me (sorry ole chap if you are reading this - haha), he only started all this serious running when he turned 40.
Life does indeed begin after 40.
He has only just returned from Glastonbury festival last Monday.
This year, it was apparently part festival/part World War I re-enactment.
Sounded like fun!

What's more: my friend has even signed himself up to be part of a massive nude photo-shoot by Spencer Tunick (website: http://www.balticprojects.org/tunick/).
That is in 2 weeks' time.
Considering that he will have to get up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday - which is usually COLD beyond belief - I have only six words to describe this: MIGHTY BRAVE (and you are NUTS!)
I will be thinking of you in sunny Singapore then, Paul! :o)


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