Monday, June 06, 2005


Just got back from my evening class of Salsa.
I had grabbed a bite to eat after my class as usual, as I tend to find myself starving after an hour's dancing lesson.

It was yet another good class this week.
I guess learning more dance steps and adding complete routines into the last couple of lessons was fun.
I even got complimented on the fact that I did my turns well...

I had managed to partner an advanced learner briefly this evening.
He was the one who said he liked my turns.
I must say he is a good dancer - learner or not.
He led well, and it gave me the confidence to relax and go with the flow.
That is - according to our instructor - an important principle to Salsa-dancing.
The guy must lead (not the lady) and if the lady doesn't look good on the dance floor, it's the guy's fault.
I like that.

The last week and this week seems to be Salsamania week.
Not only have I seen an increase in the number of new learners at my dance school registering and paying up for their new beginner's course (which is straight after my lesson), I've also heard there are lots of Salsa events going on currently.
It has been given so much publicity that I'm sure lots of pubs and clubs will be organising Salsa nights soon to rig up their business!
But there are already a number of places that does that.
Except that I haven't had the time nor the energy to check them out.
I will though, soon.


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