Sunday, April 09, 2006

Better to be a bit late than never

I was flooded with work yesterday (Sat).
As a result, I totally forgot about blogging while in the office.
I was suffering from a frozen shoulder (still am actually).
Doesn't help that my lower back is also painful.
This says a lot - that there are lots(!) of work to be done.
My deadline is 31 April.
And I am actually managing administrative work on top of doing what I am doing.
My other colleague keeps on changing his mind about providing me with administrative support.
One minute he said I shouldn't be doing some of the stuff and to ask his support staff (who is also supposedly supporting me temporarily) to do it.
The next minute he said I should be doing those things myself.
In the end, I have decided to do them myself.
Which meant that time was lost when I could be doing what I am supposed to be doing!
At least I got to complete one main piece of work.
Which is great, as it means I could start on another new one.

Friday was a good start to the day.
A colleague (whom I feel will become a potential great friend in time to come) made a cheese cake and dropped by to let me sample a slice.
She also told me many things about our working organisation that I was surprised to hear.
But I continue to be objective towards what I have learnt so far.
The comforting thing is that I am slowly being accepted for who I am.
I don't want any 'skeletons hidden in the closet', so am determined to start on the right foot at work.

Right, about the weekend so far...

I went for drinks to catch up with my cousin whom I've never been close to before.
And I am glad I did.
We exchanged news about our respective parents, and how similar their views are at bringing us up.
It was a different kind of conversation, and a refreshing one for me too.
Before I made this move to ask my cousin to catch up, I realised that keeping family ties is actually quite important.
Your cousins from your generation are probably the ones who will be around during your lifetime, longer than your parents.
They are the ones who will be able to remind you about your parents, keeping the thoughts and memories alive!
So from an initial parental obligation to introduce more female friends into my cousin's life (as if he doesn't have enough already), this get-together with him evolved into one that is definitely more constructive than I had imagined.

Perhaps this could be a timely reminder to my readers that you should try to get together with your relations too.
You'll never know what nice things will come out of it...


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