Saturday, March 11, 2006

Keeping to my promise...

At least I am not waiting till next week to blog.
I'm one week early! :o)

It has been one of the longest weeks for me so far since I started on the new job.
But it's because so many events happened during the course of the week.

First of all, I miss not having contact with my (ex-) sweet someone.
I feel that I should let him to concentrate fully on his job in this last month.
Anyway, he is due to go for his long-overdue army reservist in a few days.
He had postponed it 3 times so far, due to his unavailability with all the travelling he had been doing.
So understandably, he has been trying to clear as much work as possible before he does.
Especially when he would not have that many days left in the month after he completes his 2-week reservist stint.

I also have work issues to resolve in the past week.
My fellow colleague who was showing me the ropes is starting to feel insecure about his current position at work now.
In fact, he is starting to have his own agenda at work - he has started to make work-related decisions without feeling the need to discuss with me or my other new colleague who joined my department 2 weeks after I did.
It's a shame, as he has more experience working at the organisation than either me or my new colleague, but seemed to have overlooked that fact.
He is actually trying too hard to please our boss now, and is doing lots of things that he feels will do the trick.
From what I know, our boss is too wise for that.
Anyway, I shall leave it up to the boss to handle all that.

To be continued...


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