Monday, October 10, 2005

A dear friend

I met up with a dear friend for coffee.
She was visiting from Malaysia.
She used to be my personal trainer at a gym for a number of years.
Shortly after I decided to pursue my research studies in the UK in 2000, she also quitted her job at the gym and returned to Malaysia.
Although she had been working in this country for a total of 8 years, my friend still returned to see her friends regularly.
However, due to the difference in my timing and hers as far as our previous return-visits were concerned, we didn't get to meet up.
And this went on for at least over 2 years.
So it has been that long that I've not met up with her.
That is, till earlier today.

On the phone before we met up, my friend told me to prepare myself mentally that she has put on 10 kilograms since I last saw her.
I was only half-believing what she said.
Especially since she was a personal trainer, and a very active lady at that.
So, I was still a little surprsied that she had indeed "blossomed".
Then again, it was good that her face is still slim and pretty.
Unlike mine.
If I were to put on the slightest bit of weight, the first place that would show would be on my face!
Which, incidentally, has been slimmer of late. :o)
I haven't been having much appetite in the last week, and tried to sleep more instead of eating more.
That's the reason why.

I am tending towards more of a 'mesomorph' (there's 'ectomorph' and 'endomorph') body type, although there is no one person who isn't a combination of these three.
For me, I've always known that I build muscle mass rather easily, but have got to be careful to include a variety of exercises in any of my fitness or execise program.
It's just so that my muscles develop proportionately and shapely rather than bulk up.
Which was what happened (on first discovery) that after a short while of training at swimming 'butterfly' style when I was twelve, my shoulders and chest became broader, and my upper arms started becoming muscular.
I freaked out, and stopped very soon after.

All these mean one thing: that I can put on or lose weight quite easily, and it all depends on what I do (or don't do).
Anyway, I am finding myself able to wear my existing clothes a bit better, and finding more room in them too.
Let's see how long this current, smaller body shape lasts, eh? ;o)


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