Wednesday blues
I am down with flu.
Have been sick since I got back from my Bangkok trip.
I guess the stress from the trip took its toll on me.
I hadn't thought that a shopping trip would be stressful with my mother around.
I suppose that's because she was ill, and I had to take extra care to ensure she was coping fine throughout the trip - not just healthwise but the sudden adjustment of being in a new place and taking in the new sights and sounds.
I am now coughing, and having a really bad throat to boot.
I have been taking it easy in the past couple of days, but I can't afford to do that anymore.
Work beckons!
While I have not seen the doctor, I have been self-medicating.
The medicine has been leftover ones from the last doc visit I made.
I shall see if it works.
My throat is scratchy, and when I speak, I sound like a man with a raspy voice.
Some may say it's kinda sexy...I most certainly don't!
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