Monday, May 16, 2005

Dancing Monday

It was my last Salsa class today for the level that I registered for.
I discovered that it wasn't just panic time for me, but for many of my other dance coursemates too.
In the beginning, we were "all over the place", as we struggled to remember all the steps we have been taught in the past few weeks.
Anyway, we finished off our lesson by taking turns to dance with different partners.

One of the male students in our class did not turn up in the previous week's lesson.
So, he got very flustered as he struggled to watch our instructor's moves whilst he was doing his own!
Our instructor has always told us not to look at another person when you are dancing with a partner.
In one sense, it is rude, as it means your dance partner is boring.
And in another sense, it could also mean you are checking out someone else who is more interesting to look at!
Furthermore, it will also disrupt both dance partners' concentration while actually dancing.
All valid points I must say.

However, in the case of male student, it was simply because he wanted to learn and execute the moves, all at the same time.
When a female coursemate of mine (whom I'm now good friends with) got her turn to dance with him, I could hear hear repeatedly asking him to calm down and not be so stressed out!
It was rather amusing, as the more she said all those things, the more he freaked out.
When my turn came to dance with him, I just had to keep my cool and hoped that he could be less stressed.
It seemed to have worked. :o)

Anyhow, thanks to our patient instructor, our lesson ended well.
At least he got our feet going and we students managed to twirl our way to the end of the lesson.

I have enjoyed my lessons so much that I've already signed up for the next level.
We got a discount for continuing too!


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