Monday, April 25, 2005

Quality of life

Yesterday (Sunday) was spent trying to complete at least one of the two remaining reports that I have outstanding.
I managed to get one out in the end, and when I finally stopped work, the clock read 1:38 am.
It was past my bedtime, so I had trouble getting to sleep.
I only drifted off at 3 am in the end.

Woke up a little red-eyed this morning.
But I still managed to start on my final report.
I am hoping that it will be done and dusted by the end of tomorrow.
Which means I will have more time to rest my hands and eyes.
My eyes became a little blurry with all 200-odd pages of documents I had to read and subsequently analyse for my reports in the previous week.
As a result, my eyes suffered.
So that meant more rest for the eyes over the weekend, i.e. less work.
Fortunately, they are slightly better today.

Went for my third Salsa class earlier this evening.
It was the best one yet, with us students being taught to combine all the dance steps we have learnt (over the past and current lessons) into a routine.
We had more kind souls tonight - advanced learners who came to our class to be our male dance partners.
I could finally see how good we can look when we boogie!
And that was through observing other ladies dancing when I was waiting for my turn.
These classes are really addictive.
When you realise you can do something that seemed difficult before but is now easier, you want to learn more.
I am thinking: what is going to happen if I carry on up to the level when there are no more lessons to take?
What then?
But that is a long way off.
It was only a casual thought that crossed my mind...


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