Wednesday, April 13, 2005


At long last, I finally returned to my yoga class today.
This was my first class since I stopped attending it in mid-January this year.
That was because I injured my tailbone, having slipped and fallen on my bum in the bathroom.
Yes, it was painful, and I thought I was never going to recover.
It hurt BIG TIME.

For the last twelve weeks , I couldn't sit or walk for long before feeling the pain!
In short, I had never appreciated a perfectly pain-free tailbone in my life up till when I fell.
So it took careful deliberation on my part before I dared venture back into the yoga class again.
It was from the Salsa class on Monday that helped me decide that I am already recovered.
All that sitting and manoeuvering of the body - in strangely awkward positions on the mat - during the class, did not cause me to panic.
Instead, I was happily trying to copy the Master's movements.
I realised I felt some stiffness in some parts of my limbs from not having exercised for so many weeks.
So I have booked myself a session of Swedish massage this coming weekend - can't wait!

BTW, I am finally getting my first month's pay.
Just got told earlier today.
Or rather, I should say "phew".


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