Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A ghost

I am in a reflective mood today.
I have been recalling some things in-between resting throughout today while I have been working.
I recalled the times when I was happily in trusting relationships, and never had to fear or worry about the other partner 'straying'.
Those break-ups were more about gradual incompatibility in the end.
Nowadays, the sad stories I hear about, for instance, girlfriends splitting with boyfriends (and vice versa) because of the intrusion of a third party, makes me more fearful about actually getting involved in one!

I am a person with simple needs.
I do not need much to be happily contented.
I may be naive to a certain extent, and still too trusting in people.
And time and again, through that simplistic trust, I get 'burnt'.

I did have an experience and got close to a guy once sometime back.
He said so many things but did nothing.
He even made contact with me again after disappearing for a long while, declaring that he had changed his life perspective at the time, and was ready to embrace commitment in a relationship.
He hinted at wanting me to give him a/another chance.
I was momentarily stunned.
I subsequently thought about it, but declined.
Why, you may wonder.

Well, he did the NATO (No-Action-Talk-Only) again.
In the few days after he reappeared, he said we would do this and that, and then when the time came, he disappeared without a trace.
Not even a phone call or a text message to tell me that he was not able to make the date!
Worse still, he had not remembered some things which I took great trouble to inform him accordingly - i.e. via email and sms-text messages!
Alas, after the disappearance, he actually reappeared, giving the excuses that I have heard one too many times before.

I do not want to date a ghost.
Only ghosts appear and disapper, appear and disappear, appear and disappear ...
Oh, and the fact that they keep on haunting you too.


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