Monday, April 04, 2005

What a Monday!

What can I say?!

Today was a real eye-opener for me.
I got told slightly over a day beforehand that I will not be going to Jakarta after all.
To be really honest, I am delighted with the news!
This is because all the travelling in the past 2 weeks has taken its toll.
My sleeping pattern was disrupted BIG time, and I started having dark circles especially underneath my eyes.
Being one who values her sleep a lot, I was unused to seeing a ghostly image of myself in the mirror.
That is along with feeling really sore around the eyes that resulted from insufficient sleep.

Back to my cancelled trip to Jakarta.
This is for a project launch that will involve important organisations.
And my role is to be the advisor for the organisers at/during the launch.
You see, my Organisation is hired to provide consultant-based services for this particular project by THAT woman's company.
She decided on Sunday that I was not to go - you and I know why.
First, it is because of her discomfort with the thought that I will be in Jakarta with her (she's going, you see), especially with how she has treated me previously.
Next, her 'control freaky' nature disallows another (any!) person who is going to appear to be more in control (i.e. me), because I will be there just doing my job (SHE has to be in control and seen to be doing something!)
Lastly, she is fearful that she will not be in the 'limelight'.
This last point was what my ex-colleague friend suggested (whatever is he talking about, it is anybody's guess).
What 'limelight'?!

Anyway, the official reason was based on the fact that SHE is satisfied with the necessary delivery of my pre-launch duties, and that I have prepared the organisers well, pre-launch.
But a "little bird" told me that the ACTUAL reason she gave was that I was too new in my Organisation to represent it.
Ah well.

At least my boss defended our position well.
He shot an email to HER, expressing his unhappiness that we were told so late that our services are not needed.

Anyway, having built an excellent rapport with the organisers for the launch, I KNOW they will be disappointed that I will not be going.
I fact, I just received an email from one of the two organisers - he was disappointed indeed!
Let THAT woman go and advice the organisers herself.
Let's hope things go well at the project-launch.
Otherwise, if things go wrong, SHE will be shifting the blame onto anyone she can get hold of, as usual.
That will be me and my Organisation.
I mean, how unprofessional can one be???


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