Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Today has been SUCH an thrill for me.
Never in my life have I ever done something like this.
I skived off work!
Well, not totally, as I had been instructed to meet up with an insurance agent to get my travel and medical insurance plans sorted out.
You see, my Organisation is paying to cover me.
Hence my venturing of outdoors after only having been out to head to the airport and back in the last 3 weeks.
Other than that, I had been sitting in front of the computer working.
How sad is that, eh?!

I arranged to have my haircut at my usual hair salon in the afternoon.
This was in town, so I arranged for my insurance agent to meet me after I was done.
I had informed my mentor about the meeting with the insurance agent, and at the same time, said that I will be running official errands whilst I was out.

Well, I was.
I had to get some files for my work papers which are starting to pile up on my parents' living room floor.
And I also had to get a headset/mic to speak with my mentor (PC-to-PC calls) for free.

I guess all this running around caused me to suffer a horrible headache.
And it did not help that it had started to rain while I was out.

After a break when everything was done, I suddenly thought of my Godma.
She is someone whom I had not seen in ages.
So I took a cab and headed to her newly opened fashion store.
And I am glad I did.
Not only did I come away with some nice things, but also helped her to do some tiny adjustments to her display of scarves she had in her shop.
This little distraction from work actually made me happy.
I am so easy to please!


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