Sunday, April 23, 2006

Checking in at random...part 2


I met up with 2 ex-colleagues (now friends) on Thursday evening.

One of them had just returned for a flying visit from having moved to Canada.

The other I hadn't seen for oh, something like 8 months before.

They both looked well, and we updated one another about what our previous employer is up to.

The happiest thing was that I managed to pass my visiting/returning friend some gifts that he seemed appreciative for! :o)


Oh, I failed to mention that I went to an Irish pub to support a friend's cousin and her 2-piece band last Friday.

I also met my friend's family, and they were rather nice people too!

Sadly, I was so worn out after a full day's work that I had to leave earlier.

But I thoroughly enjoyed myself, nonetheless. :o)


Yesterday (Sat) was a day that started with me seeing my physiotherapist.

I complained of lower back pain and a bad left shoulder.

He managed to pop something back on the left shoulder-blade, and also did something similar with another area of my back.

Both times were painful, but he said "good" each time he managed each 'pop'.

I then met up with a friend for a late lunch and dinner.

We spent time shopping in-between the 2 meals.

It was a fruitful time for me, as I managed to find (and bought) a lovely dress.

My body-frame is such that it's hard to buy any dresses that would fit me (so I was delighted, of course!).


I had another invitation to meet up with another friend of mine whom I have also not seen for long awhile.

(In fact, this was one of 2 invites that I had got.)

I decided not to meet up with this friend, as I am unsure of what he is expecting from me, after having told me he hasn't found his ideal partner yet in a brief, recent catch-up chat online.

Having had the chance to see his latest photograph (and knowing that he is a couple of years younger than me), he sure does look like he has changed.

And this is for the worse, not for the better!

Looks like he has decided not to take care of his health, and has gone the 'heavier' way.

I am health-conscious, and although I have never dieted, and continue to eat whatever/whenever, at least I am still looking like a 20-something as opposed to being at the actual threshold of the 30s.

I also make an effort to groom myself to look presentable, so if I have a friend who doesn't bother to do the same, I don't feel quite comfortable.

To me, how you take care of yourself is already rather revealing.

I know on initial reading, a reader may think I am somewhat shallow, but think deeper and he/she will know what I mean.

In short, I don't want to have someone for who may keel over and die on me halfway through a meal (ok, ok, you may say I am a drama-queen, but at least I hope you catch the drift!).


Next week will be an interesting one, as I already have social things being planned... ;o)


Blogger Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

drama queen!!!
the pressies are great!!! fits nicely as usual
I havent forgotten yours!!!
keel over? thats the last bit of till death do us part mah LOL

9:33 pm  

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