I've been keeping abreast of a dear friend's news through the blogs that he keeps.
Likewise, he's doing the same by reading mine.
On his latest posting, he said he has started a 'spark' by introducing a friend of his to 2 other like-minded friends of his.
Out of that introduction and discussion, the four of them are 'on the verge of starting their own enterprise'.

Coincidentally, I met up with a long-standing friend of my very own last Friday.
This friend of mine is someone whom I have always had a high regard for.
His brilliant business sense and yet good-hearted nature is a rarity nowadays.
Then again, I must say I have quite a number of such cool friends around! :o)
Anyway, we were supposed to meet for dinner/drinks with another friend.
Except that she couldn't make it.
So my friend and I met up on our own instead, and boy, was it a adrenalin-pumping chat we had!
My friend was asking me about my experience as an academic.
And that somehow led to other related matters.
As usual, this Mr 'Think-tank' (I'm now calling him) came up with a positively heart-stopping business idea.
And from the looks of things, it could well be the start of my own business for the future.
BUT, I have no business experience, so I asked him if he could be a co-founder to mentor me.
Just like he had done with other businesses that he had helped start previously.
If this business idea takes off, I could have the option to retire at age 45 (my original goal).
In fact, if everything goes smoothly, I could even have the chance to retire well before 45.
Not only that, it could be a business that might survive for many generations to come.
That's an exciting thought indeed.
For awhile now, I've been trying to come up with business ideas of my own.
But nothing had screamed out to me that said, "this is IT"!
Until last Friday.
Sometimes, life is indeed unpredictable.
To think that this idea was 'fed' to another friend of his, and yet that friend didn't think it was that worthy for consideration.
I guess it takes 2 people with a similar wavelength to create business 'sparks'.
And I think my friend and I have done just that.
Right now, we have agreed to start this off as a hobby.
And that's to be fair to our existing jobs and all.
And if things pan out nicely, we will think of what steps to take next.
Stay tuned people.
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