Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sleeping problem

I've been suffering from insomnia and the lack of sleep since I quitted my job recently.
And the problem is getting worse.
For instance, instead of the usual dozing off at 4+ am and waking up 5 hours later, I startled myself several times as I was about to fall asleep last night.
I had been good at being in bed by 10 pm in the past week, but it would merely be tossing and turning until I finally got off to sleep.
My doctor had refused to prescribe sleeping pills for me when I saw him last Fri, saying that he was worried I would become dependent on them.
He said the flu medication would probably knock me out anyway.
Which it didn't, obviously.

So, I decided I shall do some meditation today.
I have not done this since I've been back from the UK.
So it was rather good that I had maintained a sitting posture, yoga-style, for a good 1.5 hours.
I then proceeded to be on my back for another hour, due to some pain I am feeling on the small of my back.

In all that time, I had lighted a (expensive!) jasmine-scented candle, and turned the meditation music up louder than usual.
This was to drown out all other noise outside my window (which happens to face a children's playground), and the noise the live-in maid was making while she was preparing dinner for the family.

I focused my attention on the music, and also on my breathing.
It felt REALLY good.
I must remember to get back to regular meditation from now on.
Perhaps this is what I need to cure my fatigued mental state of health...


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