Enlightening words...
I was reading my free horoscope review for fun earlier today, and came across this worthy sentence that I am sharing on here:
"Agreeing to a set of compromises used to feel like surrender, until you realized that you were simply opening up another set of possibilities."
Upon some reflection, I think these words hold true in certain respects.
I, for one, used to think in my younger years that to compromise means admitting defeat.
Being immersed in a nation that has put the word "kiasuism" (meaning "afraid to lose out") into a dictionary, I won't deny that I hadn't adopted such an attitude (being "kiasu") to a certain extent.
But over the years, with an increase at experiencing more of life and living, I have learnt to compromise.
Having said that, I've still got a lot to learn.
I've learnt that being too compromising is not a good thing either.
People will think you are a push-over.
For instance, learning to say "no" instead of "yes" just to please someone was a phase I went through myself.
I used to think saying "yes" showed that I had an easygoing nature.
What a joke.
At times, I even put myself out on a limb just to ensure that the other party was happy with my so-called "compromise".
Only to realise that I had been made use of and chucked aside like toilet paper thereafter (not that I want to be portrayed as not having personal hygiene and thus smell, but I'm just trying to make the point of how upset I felt).
Anyway, to side-track a little...
I have decided to commit myself to a business venture as a 'silent' partner.
This is with a friend who has previously tried to help me secure an office in the early stages of my previous employment in the last company I worked for.
Despite having painfully injuring himself at work, he still went about looking for an ideal office space for me at the time.
From there, I can see that he is someone who can be trusted, and also someone who will make sure that the new business will take off - to the best of his and his 2 other partners' abilities, of course!
This is not forgetting that he has a stake in it as well.
It's going to be my first experience at being an investor.
And I am rather excited by it!
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