My Godma
I may have mentioned my Godma in passing in some of my emails previously.
But I don't think I have really said much about her otherwise.
She is a lady whom my mother and I have got to know many years ago.
At the time, she was already working in the sales and service industry, and a very independent lady at that.
Over time, she took a shine to me and asked my mother if she could 'adopt' me as her God-daughter.
She has never been married, and my mother said since I would have another elder person to dote on me, why not.
That was back in 1997.
Since then, my Godma has switched career, and has become her own boss in the fashion industry.
Having a good fashion sense and being a sharp dresser herself, her business has been brisk, since her new shop opened earlier this year.
The things at my Godma's shop are tastefully chosen, with some items (costume jewellery and clothes) handpicked by yours truly - ahem.
These were items I got during the sales, just before I came back to Singapore from the UK late last year.
According to my Godma, these were sold - like hotcakes!
Actually, some of the clothes I picked for her were chic, but needs a certain amount of courage to wear out - especially in a still somewhat conservative Singapore.
They were daringly low-cut, and the wearer must have some amount of 'oomph' on her chest to flatter the blouse.
Therefore, I am surprised that they sold so quickly.
Says a lot here - that my notion about Singapore still being somewhat conservative may not be right after all.
It would be interesting to see WHO have bought those clothes when I'm out on the streets.
I shall have to keep my eyes peeled from now on... ;o)
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