Thursday, August 04, 2005


I am talking about my graduation here.
I was already booked to head out to the UK to attend my degree ceremony for the middle of next month.
But, I've just cancelled all bookings, as I sense that my parents have not been comfortable with the idea, since the London Underground bombing recently.
And that is in spite of the fact that they had not said a single word about it.
And to think that one of the stations that got bombed would have been around where we would be staying - accommodation wise - for the graduation ceremony!

Actually, I am happier.
This means I'll be able to have the actual ceremony next year, over the summer, in the town where I did my course (which is not in London, but in the outskirts of it).
And my parents will be able to meet my former landlords (2 different families) who practically adopted me while I was lodging with them at different periods throughout my course.
Not to mention catching the great summer sales then! :o)

Another advantage would be to show my parents where I lived for the 4 long years, and where I studied as well.
Plus, the hotter summer temperatures would be more suitable for them to adjust to, rather than if we had attended the graduation ceremony next month.

Then again, I would not get to see a good coursemate of mine by missing next month's graduation - we survived the course together, and had good times griping about the hardships we had been through.

Anyway, I will be getting my degree certificate separately through the post soon.
And that's whether or not I am attending any ceremony.
Apparently at the ceremony, I will only get to shake some important person's hand and have my picture taken.
So no difference if I do that next year, or the year after next...hee.


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